Infected mushroom heavyweight bpm
Infected mushroom heavyweight bpm

infected mushroom heavyweight bpm

Triplets have definitely become one of the cheapest and easiest go-to tricks in psytrance…So I try to use it as little as possible…” Paradise Engineering seems to rely less on clever (novelty) production tricks and focus more on a musical journey (both as an album and each track individually). I also like that this way each track on the album has a different colour to it, while still staying true to a general vibe throughout. So your number of productions can grow bigger this way and the results are usually pretty interesting. I love collaborating for many reasons, but one of the big plusses is that you can always have something going on – if it’s an online collaboration (which happens a lot ) then someone can always be working while the other is busy either with touring or what not. A very busy lifestyle just renders it this way. Was this always the plan or did it just kinda happen that way?Īce Ventura Interview: It’s never the plan, but it’s a ‘trap’ a lot of producers tend to fall into in order to finish an album. Intense non-stop touring practically every weekend, two kids and 5 years later – here we are! You collaborate on 6 of the 9 tracks. Then around 2010, after reading a bit on Aldous Huxley and David Pearce the album title came to mind, and I decided to go for it. I had many tracks out on compilations, digital EP’s, a lot of remixes to my tracks, as well as compiling 5 compilations of my own on various labels. What took so long?Īce Ventura Interview: Until a few years ago I didn’t really feel the need for another album.


Let’s kick straight into your new album Paradise Engineering: I was surprised to realise that it is in fact only your second full length artist album (excl. Sometimes I get to jam with him in the studio and make some weird electronica… good times. What he also appreciates though, is my project name – As his original family name was Ventura before he changed it to Oshrat. He appreciates it for sure but doesn’t know many names past Infected Mushroom or Skazi I reckon. But this was in the late 90’s and he admitted to his mistake a few years after. How much (or little)) does he understand or appreciate trance music or in fact electronic dance music in general?Īce Ventura Interview: He really doubted the longevity of the genre when I was just getting into producing and leaving my previous work on sound post-production. Your father is a famous Israeli composer. As you said, the influence was quite notable with many producers changing their styles or opening side projects. It was also the first progressive release on the full on label HOMmega.

infected mushroom heavyweight bpm

This was notable especially in Israel, but also globally – full on took a back seat and progressive became huge. It was also a symbolic moment in the psytrance landscape at the time, as progressive steadily went from 2nd or 3rd place in the psytrance food chain right to the top. Was it a defining moment for your career as Ace Ventura, and were you surprised at the time, just how influential that compilation became?Īce Ventura Interview: It was a defining moment indeed, firstly because 2006 was the year I went solo with Ace Ventura after leaving Psysex, so there was a lot to prove. I gave the album a really good listen, offering some of my thoughts back and as I’d hoped, this Ace Ventura interview is filled with interesting observations and anecdotes… For many, me included, New Order back in 2006 changed a lot of people’s perception of progressive trance and also seemed to be a catalyst for so many Israeli progressive producers thereafter (even though, ironically it featured very few Israeli artists). It’s a largely collaborative offering, with some serious heavyweight co-conspirators, indicative of the stature and ability of, in my opinion, one of the finest psy-prog producers around. on most of the biggest trance stages worldwide, Ace Ventura has just released his second studio album called Paradise Engineering. It turns out that Ventura is actually an old family name and true to his dry wit, he decided to make use of it when creating his new progressive project that, in psytrance and progressive trance circles, is as ubiquitous as Jim Carrey’s comedic character.Ī firm favourite in South Africa, and let’s be fair…. You’d only be half right if you assumed the prog trance moniker of Yoni Oshrat was named after the famous and fictitious pet detective.

Infected mushroom heavyweight bpm